What is a cleanse?
Cleansing is resting of the digestive system for an allocated period of time. This is achieved by eliminating all solid foods & consuming nutrients in a liquid form (Vegetable Juices, Super-food Smoothies & Detox H2O).
What will happen when I cleanse?
A cleansed or a fasting state allows the body to switch on its own natural healing abilities, it’s like flicking on the healing switch. This primarily involves our organs responsible for the removal of toxins which in-turn, increases oxygen & nutrient supply to cells, makes use of our energy stores (burn fat cells) & enables full regeneration of the whole system. The body will begin to treat/heal/address any imbalances & function optimally creating complete homeostasis.
When should I cleanse?
Listen to your body.
The human body is highly intelligent & will give you signs when something is out of balance. A great time to cleanse is whenever you feel you need to!
Some other times may include the following:
Festive season / change of season
before or after fun-filled weekends
special occasions or events
sickness or illness
Will there be any adverse effects?
Yes, adverse effects that may or may not arise during the cleansing period include:
Body aches
Low energy
Bad breath and/or body odour
Flu-like symptoms
Emotional shifts
This is the body’s normal response to detoxification & is a sign of toxic accumulation. Each & every body is different & will therefore experience different effects depending on your state of health.
If you experience any of the above symptoms, yes keep cleansing! This may mean extending your program for longer than you originally intended to allow for complete regeneration & healing.
How long should I cleanse for?
We offer 1, 3 & 6 day programs to introduce you slowly to the cleansing process. How many days you choose to cleanse really depends on your health concerns & what you set out to achieve. Below is a little guidance, as always listen to your body as it will point you in the right direction.
One: Mini reset or quick taste tester
Three: First time cleansing or those regularly cleansing
Six: For those wanting to step up their cleansing game or experiencing health concerns. Six days can be a little more challenging but the end result, totally worth it!
What’s so good about The Healthy Cocktail’s cleanse?
NO cooking, NO cleaning, NO groceries. It's just live enzymes & all of your essential nutrients, ready to drink, delivered straight to your door at a click of a button. We're here to create health & wellness for you!
How many calories in a cleanse?
We are big believers in eating the most natural, chemical free, whole-foods possible. Which means there is no need to waste time counting numbers. Simply eat/drink real food & your body will love you for it.
Count chemicals before calories!
Will I feel hungry during my cleanse?
We have carefully designed our programs for you to breeze through the cleansing process without ever feeling depleted or deprived of food/nutrients. With the right balance of Macro & Micro’s 6 liquids per day should keep you feeling full & completely satisfied while still allowing the body to fast. In saying this our metabolisms are all so different! Some may find 6 liquids a breeze, others may feel they need more. If you're feeling ‘hungry’ ask yourself is this a physical hunger (the body in need of nutrients) or a psychological hunger (the mind tricking you into thinking its hungry for comfort). The cleansing process is creating a shift in our eating behaviours whether they be good or bad & breaking the habit. For most of us this can be rather challenging. So if you're feeling ‘hungry’ enjoy your next juice, a herbal tea or consume a little extra water. Tune in, listen to your body & most of all be kind to yourself.
Is this a FAD diet?
Cleansing & intermittent fasting have been used for thousands of years to treat an array of sickness & illnesses. Our very own ancestors would fast for days at a time before they caught their next meal, our bodies are naturally designed to go without food for long periods of time & switch into fasting mode as a protective mechanism. The human body is truly amazing!
It is only now that this traditional practice has been proven by science to have such positive effects on our overall health & well-being. Juice cleansing is here to stay & we truly believe the way of the nutritional future.
What to do before, during & after a cleanse?
You will receive a full cleanse program (when to do/what to do) 1 day prior to your cleanse start date, in the meantime here are a few ways to start preparing your body for the cleansing process.
Remove alcohol, sugars, caffeine & process foods from diet
Remove inflammatory food groups like meat, gluten & dairy
Increase water intake - approx 2 litres filtered per day
Increase plant-based meals
Choose organic foods where possible
Limit food intake to an 8-10hr window to allow for a longer fasting period overnight
During Cleanse:
Intake 2-3 litres filtered water per day
Moderate exercise like yoga, pilates or walking
Sleep - minimum 8hrs per day where possible
Reduce stressors using meditation, breathing or relaxation techniques
Warm magnesium & Epsom Salt and/or essential oils bath where possible
As much herbal tea as you like (organic and caffeine free)
Rest & digest - spreadyour liquids out over the course of the day & drink them slowly
Avoid smoking, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, unnecessary chemicals and solid foods
Drink juice, sleep, repeat
Keep cleansing!
Introduce everything you’ve been doing over your cleansing period into your daily routine. This may look something like a lemon & ginger water in the morning/smoothie for breakfast or checkout our Breakfast Pack. We've got you covered!
What are the health benefits?
Drinking live, enzymatic, nutrient-dense liquids can only leave you with a healthy organism!
Consumption of the essential macro & micro-nutrients found in fruits, vegetables & super-foods will create a state of homeostasis within the body & prevent against future disease.
Other amazing health benefits that you may experience post-cleanse include an increase in:
Energy & vitality
Adrenal function
Immune function
Brain function
Healthy gut flora
Ability to burn fat
Ability to cope with stress
Healing capability
And a decrease in:
Toxic load

Being in the health industry & having a lot of gut issues of my own I love that The Healthy Cocktail provides such guidance, organic & a wide range of juices. After my three day cleanse I always feel revitalised, energetic & reset. Such an amazing business & the lady behind it all is such a beauty in herself!

I love everything about The Healthy Cocktail cleanse programs! The convenience of this cleanse gave me the opportunity to cleanse naturally & gently, allowing my body to rest while flooding it with plant nutrients. Every liquid was delicious and I was never left hungry. Thankyou to The Healthy Cocktail team for your inspiration & support!

Loved my 3 day cleanse with The Healthy Cocktail! I had so much energy & started each day with a spring in my step. The juices were clean, tasty & refreshing. Customer service was awesome! I would recommend this to anyone wanting a good immune boost.